New England Meteoritical Services Testing FAQ

Member, Meteoritical Society
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Frequently Asked Questions and Commentary about Meteorite Testing.

The most important and helpful page on this site, read carefully.

Also see our research and support site at

Updated and current - February 08, 2025



This page will only take 5 to 8 minutes to read. It's a frank synopsis of the many questions we receive and will answer many of your questions.

Meteorite locations, "Where are they found?" and "How can I find one?"

Aside from "Is my meteorite real?" These are two of the most often-asked questions we receive. The answer to the first is that meteorites have been found in 48 of the 50 States in the USA.

Listing of States and the number of meteorites found and listed in MetBull.

Alabama 19 Indiana 13 Nebraska 50 South Carolina 7
Alaska 4 Iowa 7 Nevada 147 South Dakota 19
Arizona 181 Kansas 162
New Hampshire 1** Tennessee 27
Arkansas 15 Kentucky 26 New Jersey 1 Texas 317
California 293 Louisiana 3 New Mexico 229 Utah 27
Colorado 90 Maine 5 New York 11 Vermont 1 ***
Connecticut 6 Maryland 4 North Carolina 29 Virginia 16
Delaware 0 Massachusetts 2 North Dakota 13 Washington 6
Florida 7 Michigan 12 Ohio 14 West Virginia 3
Georgia 28 Minnesota 9 Oklahoma 43 Wisconsin 15
Hawaii 2 Mississippi 5 Oregon 8 Wyoming 15
Idaho 8 Missouri 24 Pennsylvania 8
Illinois 10 Montana 7 Rhode Island 0

** Provisional, "Sugar River" proposed name, awaiting isotope data for classification. ***Vermont, Pseudometeorite, not MetSoc accepted.


The "where" is not as important as the "how." Simply stated, meteorites are found by curious people. They notice a rock that is different from surrounding rocks or oddly heavier than other rocks of similar size. Maybe it's a round rock sitting on the ground around fragments of layered rocks or one that's more oxidized than any others in the area.

They may notice a rock with a shiny black exterior or a dull black one sitting alone in a field. Curious people pick these up, put them in their pockets, and take them home. Some will put them on a shelf, in a drawer, or use them as a doorstop.

But eventually, someone notices them, or the finder's curiosity takes over, and they wonder - could this be a meteorite?

New meteorite found.

Chestnut Ridge, Tennessee. For several years, a hunter set up a deer blind on Chestnut Ridge near Shelbyville, Tennessee. He moved a rock in the way to the blind. The following year, he moved it again and noticed it differed from others on the path. Curious, he took it home, where it sat for a while. After an email to us, he sent it for testing.

Go to Chestnut Ridge registration page

If you're looking for meteorites, then you need to be curious to find them.

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Chestnut Ridge, Stone, H5 chondrite

Shelbyville, Tennessee. Single stone, 2.92 kg.

Dark green interior (matrix) with abundant chondrules,
surrounded by a network of numerous, small bright grains
of iron-nickel metal and sulfide.


Frequently Asked Questions.


This program has been testing samples for the public since 1993. Over the past couple of decades, we have built relationships with universities and researchers. This access and collaboration keep us on the front lines of meteoritic research, enabling the Testing Program to be successful and quickly provide accurate and economical screening of samples for the public.


# 1. "How large a sample do you need for testing?"


Small samples are acceptable; 10 to 20 grams is ideal, roughly the size of a marble.


#2. "Can I find a meteorite with my metal detector?"


Yes. Around 95% of all stone meteorites contain some degree or percentage of metallic iron in an alloy of Fe/Ni. Metal detectors will react to this. However, there is also a lot of iron in Earth's mineralogy; it's the 4th most common element in the Earth's crust. So, while Earth rocks contain varying amounts of iron, they are primarily oxidized and nonmetallic. This iron is different from the iron/nickel seen in meteorites, which metal detectors can detect. Metal detectors will also react to iron-rich sediments such as hematite, magnetite, and goethite and will respond to many foundry artifacts and byproducts.


#3. "How do I cut a sample to send you?"


Many people will use a hacksaw for metallic specimens. For rocky specimens, they will often use a Dremel tool or a cold chisel to break or pry off a small sample. We can take larger samples if you do not want to cut them, but you must pay the return postage. However you do it, be sure to wear eye protection when cutting.


#4. "Will my samples be returned?"


All samples sent from within the USA are returned through the USPS. Please keep the sample size small, 10 to 20 grams. Larger samples may require additional return postage. Postage may be a few dollars more if you want to send a larger sample. Email us -

For International mailings, contact us.


#5. "I think I found a meteorite; I will send it for testing. If it's not a meteorite, can you tell us what it is?"


If your sample is a meteorite, we will tell you the type, probable classification, and estimated value.

There are over 5,500 accepted minerals on Earth. Their identification is beyond the scope of the testing service program, but we do try to give you an opinion of what it is. If requested, we can refer you to a testing lab that can tell you about terrestrial mineralogy and chemistry.


#6. "I found a meteorite, how do I sell it?"


First, you need to have it examined and verified as a meteorite by a testing lab that verifies and/or classifies meteorites. If verified, you can then sell it as an unclassified meteorite if you like. Additionally, you can move towards formal classification and registration with the Meteoritical Society and then sell it as a classified and registered meteorite. Classification is not part of the initial verification.


#7. "Testing labs have complaints and negative reviews on web blogs and social media, can a jeweler test a meteorite instead?"


Jewelers do not test meteorites, and as for the negative reviews, yes. Any lab, researcher, university, or museum that tests meteorites for the public has some negative reviews online, often called "charlatans" or "fraudulent." Why?

We often must tell people, "No, I'm sorry, your sample is not a meteorite." "No" is not the word people want to hear. Some will drive several hundred miles to a lab, bringing a rock they have had in their family for decades, convinced it's a meteorite. If it's not, it's a long ride back for them.

Some people will argue with you, some to the point of anger, and some threaten to "expose" you online as a fraud or charlatan if you disagree with them.

So, let's put this another way: You go before a Judge or Magistrate, you present your problem, and they listen, evaluate any information you supply, and render an opinion. If the Judge decides in your favor, you love them. But if the Judge decides against you, well, not so much love is there?

It is similar to what we or any other testing lab does. We examine and evaluate what you send and render an opinion based on accepted academic standards regarding peer-reviewed, scholarly, published definitions of meteorites.

People do not write negative reviews because we or a testing facility were wrong in our testing results; they are written by people who were told "no". Social media gives everyone a voice.

Additionally, you have other choices. We are not the only meteorite testing facility. You can contact and send samples to any facility on this list that is accepting samples from the public:

If you want to know if you found a meteorite, send it to us. Even if the answer is "no," you'll likely be happy with our informational return package.


#8. We receive variations of this one several times a year: "A scientist tested my meteorite. They said they had never seen anything like it and found elements not on the Periodic Table. Can you tell me what it is?"


Besides being one of the great movie lines, "Not found on the Periodic Table," how do we answer this? As far as we know, the Periodic Table's seventh row is complete, although some argue for an Island of Stability somewhere around "element 126". Anyone with a rock or meteorite with elements beyond 118 should probably call the Military or the SyFy channel.


#9. How much is my meteorite worth?


Although not a testing question, it is one that we receive several times a week.

So -, if your specimen is a meteorite, the value will depend mostly on the type and classification. In general, observed Falls are worth more than Finds. For ordinary stone chondrites (OC's), the price can go from $3-4.00 per gram up to $200 or more per gram for Historic Falls.

Carbonaceous chondrites (also a stone meteorite but rare) range from $10.00 to $300-$500 per gram, depending upon the subclassification. Iron meteorites range from a few dollars per gram for a IAB or IVA classification to several hundred a gram for a very rare IIC classification.

Achondrites stone meteorites, another subclassification of stone meteorites, are also rare. They can range from $20.00/gram to hundreds per gram.

And then there are the "planetaries"-samples of Mars, the Moon, and the asteroid 4Vesta. If you are lucky enough to have or find one, you can purchase it for several hundred dollars a gram or for almost a "name your price."


#10. Actual email: "You tested my sample and said it was not a meteorite, but you also said that you did not make thin sections or test for nickel in my sample. Then how do you know it's not a meteorite?"


The short answer is that you sent us a double-terminated quartz crystal, also known as a "Herkimer Diamond," found in Herkimer, New York. We understand that many people are unfamiliar with the mineral diversity seen in terrestrial rocks, but this is recognizable geology for us. It is the same if we receive a garnet-studded rock (eclogite) or a limestone (a fossil-laden sedimentary rock). These are "known" Earth geology with structures, textures, and crystallization not seen in meteorites but common in Earth rocks. These are often quickly identified without additional testing.

But it's the longer answer that's important here. There is a lot of misleading information about meteorites on the web. It's not that the information is wrong, but it can easily be taken out of context. People will read that the "only way to know if it's a meteorite is with thin sectioning (a 30-micron thick sample on a glass slide), SEM testing (scanning electron microscopy), and/or chemical testing, including Nickel. These are tests to confirm an iron meteorite (Ni content) or for the classification phase of a stone meteorite. They are tests that are not always needed for the initial examination and determination of every sample received.

Specifically for Nickel, it is also present in terrestrial nickel-bearing ore rocks, laterite, and foundry byproducts and can be found in minor amounts in mafic and ultramafic intrusive rocks.

Note: Martian and Lunar basalts, angrites, ureilites, and other rare types require additional collaborative testing protocols.


#11. "Do you test all samples for the chemical element Nickel? "


Many websites write about the need for nickel testing of all specimens. The answers can be misleading to the reader.

Nickel testing is essential for some submitted samples but not all. Finding Nickel in the range of 4 to 30 percent Ni in an iron sample is a good beginning argument for a possible iron meteorite. However, it is inconclusive and could also be a foundry casting byproduct.

We receive a considerable diversity of samples sent to us from around the world from people, museums, and universities who believe or hope that they may have a meteorite. The granites, lava, limestones, magnetite, hematite, foundry objects, "slag" byproducts, etc.- are easily identified in a few minutes with microscopy. Nickel testing is not needed for samples of known geology.

So, no, we do not test everything for Nickel.


#12. "Will my sample be damaged in testing?"


No, this is known as "destructive testing". We may make a small slice on the oxidized exterior to examine the interior mineralogy, but even this is usually not noticeable.


#13. "I think I found a meteorite. It's heavier than other rocks in the area and has a burnt-looking covering, but it does not attract a magnet. I broke off an edge and could see shiny flakes. Do you think that I should send it for testing?"


Yes, for two reasons.

One, because it's important enough for you to write and ask.

Two, because you'll always be wondering if you don't send it. The testing service is very inexpensive, so send it and find out. If not to us, then to any lab or university that works with and tests meteorites.

But find out!


#14. "Are all meteorites attracted to a magnet?"


No. Although all iron meteorites and most chondrites will be attracted. It's a different story with achondrites. Most of them, including Martian and Lunar meteorites, will not.

The "magnet" test, often recommended on many websites, is the coarsest of "home" tests because many Earth rocks will also attract a magnet.

Some terrestrial sedimentary rocks, many hematite samples, all magnetite-rich rocks, some ultramafic rocks, and many foundry byproducts will attract a magnet.


#15. "How can you test a sample for only $30.00?"


We can't. Examining your sample can be a fair amount of work. One person from China complained that it can't be done for the $30.00 testing charge. He was right, but this is an educational outreach program. New England Meteoritical Services fund the additional cost.


#16. "How long have you been testing meteorites?"


For over 30 years, with about 25 years for the general public, our website,, is one of the oldest meteorite sites on the web, having gone online in 1994.


#17. "I have a large collection of over two hundred meteorites that I found in my yard. Can I send 30 at a time for certification?"


You can send as many samples as you like, but we recommend testing a sample group of 4 or 6 first to assess your situation before spending money testing large groups.


#18. Although not an FAQ, it's a good question and worth reading: "I sent in a couple of specimens for testing, and I got the response that they were not meteorites. I recently had one XRF tested; the result was 99.9% iron. This rock needs to be looked at again. Would you do a retest?"


Verbatim response: "Sure, happy to re-examine it for you. But, no meteorites are 99.9% Fe (iron).

All iron meteorites are the formative end product of asteroid or large-body differentiation and have from 5 to 30% Ni (Nickel) in a Fe/Ni alloy, resulting in the formation of the meteoritic minerals taenite, kamacite, schreibersite, and others.

The chemical composition of iron meteorites is dominated by the elements Fe, Ni, and Co, which make up more than 95% of the meteorite. Around 5% are silicate-rich inclusions or other trace minerals. Ni is always present; the concentration is always 5% or higher and could be as high as about 30%.

You may be thinking that the term "iron meteorite" means 100 percent iron, but it does not; meteorites are always alloyed with Ni (Nickel). We hold that our analysis is correct; your sample is an igneous foundry artifact. But if you would like us to look again at it, we are happy to do so. Please send it to us.


#19. Certainly not an FAQ, but an interesting one: "I have a rock that tested positive for platinum, Iron, and plutonium. I'm certain that it's a meteorite. Can I send it for testing?"


No, no, no. We do not want any rocks that have plutonium. Aside from being radioactive, we can't test for this. There are naturally occurring radioactive ores - Uraninite, Autunite, and Torbernite but plutonium is not naturally occurring at levels to be found in meteorites. It is (likely) the most dangerous element in the world. I don't know if the writer/sender was serious or had confused their elements, but our response could not confused.


#20. "With meteorites, I see many references to the Meteoritical Society. What do they do?"


The Meteoritical Society is an international organization comprising over 1,000 scientists and contributors representing 52 countries. The Society writes and publishes meteoritical guidelines and classification criteria needed for acceptance into their Registry database.

They also maintain the records of all known meteorites in the Meteoritical Bulletin and Registry and publish "Meteoritics and Planetary Science", a leading peer-reviewed planetary science journal. For more information, see:


#21. "I am certain that I have a meteorite. It passes every test on websites online, including the "streak" test on porcelain. It attracts a magnet and has lots of fusion crust and flow lines. I am sending it for you to register with the Meteoritical Society."


Let's ensure it's a genuine meteorite, and we can go from there.

As mentioned in previous questions, a lot of the information online can be taken out of context, but maybe you're right – perhaps you do have a meteorite. After doing the suggested online "home" tests, the most important thing you can do is put your suspected meteorite in the hands of someone who can tell you for sure. So, please send it to us, another lab, or a university that is still testing. It doesn't matter which.

What matters is that you follow through and have it examined.

If you want to learn a lot more and see what's inside meteorites, then take a look at our research and support site at



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